Keith Myott's BC Steelhead 2012

Wouldn’t you know it! I have no children to care for today, but I’ve been terribly sick the past past two days (hence why I haven’t been blogging) that I can’t go play. This always happens when he leaves. And so, the time drags on even more slowly because I need him home now. I know for him time can’t slow down enough as there’s always one more cast; one more swing; one more fish to catch.

Life takes us on amazing journeys: some good and some bad. I know my life is full of challenges and full of blessings. I thank God that he has come into my life. My heart and prayers go out to the family of Keith Myott, a fellow BC Steelheader from Helena, Montana, upon Keith’s passing October 31, 2014. Keith’s wife Cathy and family can still use your help with donations to help offset Keith’s medical expenses. Please help share your support for the BC Steelhead fishing that Keith so loved by donating to his medical fund at YouCaring. There’s only 54 days left t show your support!

Keith Myott fighting a steelhead

Keith Myott fighting a steelhead

The kids and I look forward to hearing his fish tales and seeing his amazing pictures. I will hear these stories and see these pictures many times the next few weeks when customers come in asking about his adventure. This got me thinking—we need to host a story-hour at the library. Better yet, we should host it at the brewery! I’ll keep you posted on this one.

-Swing one for Keith!


2 Responses to A Steelhead Widow’s Diary: Day 5, 6 & 7
  1. TroutBumGirl – Again, my sympathies, I’ve been sick too and it’s a bummer. I was wondering what happened to you. Hope you recover soon. It’ll all be better when the steelhead b um gets home. GTS


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