Here on the Mo’ we are proud to report that bugs are hatching, fish are looking up, and dry fly season is in full swing. Consistent cloud cover and mild to absent winds have made for ideal conditions for spotting—and casting to—rising trout. Despite the rain, flows are hovering nicely around 7K (7170 CFS currently)… read more →

After a week of moderate rain and a spike in output from the powers that be at Holter Dam, the Mo’ is on the drop and shaping up to fish nicely as we enter the heart/heat of June. Deep nymphing is rock-solid (as per usual for the high water of June). PMDs and caddis are.. read more →

Well, I was left unsupervised in the shop for about an hour today. Enjoy the crossword puzzle. Fishing has been good and should only get better as we get into the week ahead. Dearborn float season is waning, but the rain may give us a few more days. Answers Down:  1. Wire,  2. Stabilize, 3… read more →

THANK YOU to all Veterans who served this country and gave ALL for our FREEDOM and LIBERTY!!  Please remember those who gave us the freedom to enjoy a long weekend -it’s not just one more day to have a vacation or a BBQ. Please take time to pause and humbly remember those who died for our freedom.. read more →

We are really enjoying the atypically low flows right now. With the MO at around 4900 cfs (normally around 5800), the dry fly bite has been picking up significantly, and the cloudy days of late have resulted in some banner sessions. Weather dictates how many fish will be up, but a few devoted anglers are.. read more →

Summer has arrived and with it, lots and lots of aqua. We saw an increase from 11,000 CFS to 16,500 in a matter of a couple of days. As you could guess this created some chocolate milk flavored water to pour into the Missouri via its tributaries, particularly the Dearborn, which was throwing in a.. read more →

Missouri River Fishing Report for late January 2018.  What a crazy month (as they all tend to be). Starting off with some serious winter weather and much needed snow. Then a couple of significant “January Thaws” as Aldo Leopold used to write about so eloquently.  Those thaws (which we are just getting out of one.. read more →

We started November with lots of snow and single digits and now we started December is much milder weather!  It’s Montana mind you so the weather doesn’t really need to make any sense -you just need to be prepared for any and all of it, every month of the year. The MO is shifting into.. read more →

Late September has brought cooler temperatures, precipitation and great fishing. The near forecast is looking like great weather with highs in the 70’s for the next 3-4 days and very low wind. Expect sunny days and nymphing or streamer fishing until evening or if we see some cloud cover. Water temperature has dropped dramatically over.. read more →

Fall is… not here yet. The morning’s in Craig have been chilly lately, giving off a false sense of hope for colder afternoons. By mid day it has been pretty warm out here, but the fish don’t mind all that much. Fish are eating all sorts of stuff above and below the surface throughout the.. read more →