We usually are fully booked on our Fly Tying Classes 4 to 6 weeks in advance.  However, we had to do some shuffling of students between our February and March classes and that made for some openings.  We have only 1 space left in our Beginner Class starting on February 13th.  We also have just.. read more →

The evening of Tuesday, January 21st was one fun night for all those who attended the premiere of the 2014 F3T (the “Fly Fishing Film Tour” for those of you under a rock).  Helena, Montana was the site of the first showing of an awesome set of fly fishing films.  Just over 200 enthusiastic flick.. read more →

We are here for our locals, back in the Helena shop these days.  While the MO is still fishing great the pressure has finally decreased, the fish say thanks for the break.  If all you have experienced of Montana is the MO well then come talk to us.  We can get you out there in.. read more →

Knights of the Round Table With two stores and limited staff it can be hard to get all the shop folks together in one place at one time. Somebody always has to work, the other guys are out fishing, one guy is on a trip to town to re-supply the fridge, and who knows where.. read more →