Greetings, Missouri River anglers near and far. Today’s post comes in two volumes, concluding with a feat of research compiled by, who have been combing the ranks for weeks, interviewing the brightest minds of the Craig and Helena shop, notebooks in hand. We’re calling it the Master List—a compendium of the 6 must-have flies.. read more →

Independence day is upon us and the Mo’ is cranking (currently 11,200 CFS). With mostly sunny skies and a few mid-80s highs in the forecast, get ready to navigate a river that’s full of bugs, boat traffic, and swift current. Don’t worry, though. Despite blown-out tribs and the recreational pressure of the holiday, there’s still.. read more →

Y’know, I can remember a conversation I had earlier this month when there was a serious debate about whether the river would ever go over 7000 cfs. Hindsight is 20/20 (or at least 9,800). Our flows are quite high for this time of year, and with more rain on the way this weekend it seems.. read more →

THANK YOU to all Veterans who served this country and gave ALL for our FREEDOM and LIBERTY!!  Please remember those who gave us the freedom to enjoy a long weekend -it’s not just one more day to have a vacation or a BBQ. Please take time to pause and humbly remember those who died for our freedom.. read more →

Despite what it feels like, it is indeed actually the month of April. To many, it doesn’t feel like April at all, and it’s not because of the weather. COVID-19 is to blame for the ghost towns surrounding many of your local fly shops. No shops open to walk in, online or phone orders only,.. read more →

     The dry fly fishing has continued its upward trajectory! For whatever reason, it seems we’ve found a lot of brown trout in the net recently-not that we’re complaining. We are praying the flows stay low enough for us to get in more casts at rising fish before higher water shows up. It is.. read more →

SUMMER is in full swing here in Craig and its certainly feeling like it. Our flows have finally decreased to semi-normal flows at around 5000 CFS, opening up plenty of wade fishing opportunities throughout the entire stretch. The weather has been HOT and DRY for the most part.  We have seen very little rain in.. read more →

Summer has arrived and with it, lots and lots of aqua. We saw an increase from 11,000 CFS to 16,500 in a matter of a couple of days. As you could guess this created some chocolate milk flavored water to pour into the Missouri via its tributaries, particularly the Dearborn, which was throwing in a.. read more →

The MO continues to fish extremely well this Spring. The last couple weeks have seen pretty steady flows in the mid 6000s the cfs and our water temp is slowly climbing, but the stairs are pretty steep right now. Floating the river is the most ideal way to fish the MO right now, but wade.. read more →

It’s mid March, that time of year when we could have mid 50’s and sunny one day, then 34 degrees and snow the next. The fish don’t seem to mind though, they are very willingly eating nymphs and streamers; plus when the conditions are right, they are targeting midges on the surface. The water temp.. read more →