Things are in full swing out here on the Mo. With water levels dropping to below 5000 cfs, the dry fly fishing has picked up substantially. The weather has been very hot lately, but the fish don’t seem to mind too much. At this rate, baiting the fishes could be a cinch and anyone could.. read more →

If you have looked at the CFS flows for the MO this morning, you’ll see that she is running at around 11,500. Rumor has it that we’ll see our peak flow for the year in a week or two, somewhere between 14,000-16,000cfs. What does this current flow mean for you? Well to be honest, it.. read more →

If you’ve been to the MO during the last few weeks, you’ll have noticed a few things; lots of water, a good number of boats with bent rods floating by, and not a lot of wade fishermen. We have spent much of the last few weeks at over 10,000cfs, and although this is extremely healthy.. read more →

It’s May 1st, for most of you that are reading this fishing report, you know what the month of May brings, and you know what this fishing report is going to be about. Dry…Fly…Fishing! Although it is true, that the last couple of weeks have brought noses to the surface to feed on midges and.. read more →

Fishing has been really great for a couple months now, but with the rise in water temperature that is occurring, things are only going to keep getting better. The midge hatch the last few evenings has been incredible, with many fish taking flies on the surface, and now with the rumors of baetis appearing on.. read more →

It’s the middle of March and it appears that temperatures are on the rise, and the fishing on the MO is starting to heat up. Whether you are wade fishing or float fishing, there are opportunities all over the river. For nymph fishing, keep with the typical winters colors of pink and orange. Firebeads and.. read more →

We’re almost through January and boy has this winter actually felt like winter! Even winter can’t stop us from getting out on the water and enjoying the time spent on it. There have been many days of single digits and teens, but we still manage to make it out on the water. Rods have broke,.. read more →

June 10, 2015 – Missouri River Report Description: Flows Below Holter Dam: 6,000 CFS (Normally 7,600 CFS) Well, the late May/early June lull is back.  Around this time every year the MO experiences a lack of surface action because the water temps put us “between hatches”.  There are still plenty of fish to be caught.. read more →

Flows on the Mo remain steady around 4300cfs out of Holter Dam. Night-time air temperatures are in decline which is keeping the trout cool, happy and eager to eat. Mornings continue to provide the best dry-fly opportunities, but expect slower starts on the real brisk mornings, as the Tricos need time to warm up and.. read more →

The MO just got another bump of water this afternoon.  We’re now over 8K.  They are making room in Canyon Ferry for runoff as their is more going out then is coming in right now.  The MO at over 8K is a much more difficult river to wade fish and most places are a no.. read more →